Come back in January
Hello there!
Yup, this is the place for the next Secret Pals incarnation - Secret Pals 4.
Secret Pals 3 is up and running and will continue through to November. As a lot of people will have far too many commitments over the holiday season (including myself) - it would be best if SP4 didn't start until January when we will have the sign up. The actual event will run February 1 - April 30.
I'm not taking any signup at this point, however, if you do want an email reminder sent to you January 1st, please send your email address to After the reminder is sent out, I'll start accepting signups.
I'll also post more information about the event including the rules/regulations, time frames, and faq's.
Cheers and see you in 2005!
SPECIAL NOTE - I should have mentioned this earlier. If you are anxious to get something started for SP4, you will need two things:
Knitting Blog
A blog (a daily log for the world to see) where you can tell people about yourself, your likes and dislikes, your knitting personality, etc. This is where the pals who will be sending you pressies can go to see what you are all about. It's also the place where you can thank your pal when they send something.
***This does NOT have to be a 100% knitting blog - anyblog where your pal can find you will do.***
If you are unfamiliar with blogs you can check out mine at Norge Thingy. Although I have to say I'm not always great at keeping the content knitting related - but there are tons of very lovely blogs linked through my site.
Free blogs can be set up at - and other places if you do a google search.
Super Secret Spy Email Address
You might need to send an email or two to the person you are sending pressies to, therefore, you should get an email address that cannot be traced back to you.
There are several places where you can get free email addresses, such as excite, yahoo and hotmail.
Sign up and make sure that all the information you provide is anonymous.
Click to read more