Secret Pals 4

Secret Pals 4 is a gift exchange event for knitters and crocheters from all over the world. This event will last February 1 - April 30, 2005.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Reveal this Weekend

Sorry my friends, I've been swamped at work (can you believe I have to earn a living?) and haven't had a chance to send out an email.

I'm going to try to get out an email this weekend, but in case any of you were wondering, this is the weekend to reveal yourself to your SP.

Because of the time zones, you can reveal yourself anytime this weekend.

I hope you have a blast finding out who your pal is and keep posted to this blog for post-SP4 info.

Okay, now, GO!

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Monday, April 25, 2005

Important Update on SP5

I've got an important update on the status of SP5.

As some of you are aware, due to circumstances, Alice will not able to host the next Secret Pals event, SP5.

I did have another volunteer, Morgan who is willing to host this event.

I will update you as events unfold, Morgan is in the process of creating a website and I will post that address as soon as possible.

Also next weekend is the end of the event and I will be sending out mass mailings this week to let everyone know when to 'reveal' themselves.

Keep posted to this page for updates.


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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Help Wanted for Secret Pals 5

Given the tremendous amount of participation, I think it should be assumed that hosting these events have grown into a 'more than one person' job.

Alice, who is hosting SP5, has asked if I can send out the call for anyone who can offer technical support for then next event.

You can reach her at brokedown_tiger at for more details about what she'll need exactly.

I guess this would be a good opportunity to share what I've learned about hosting these events - for future hosts

1. As just stated, it has grown into a 2+ person job. We had 365 and if I hadn't had the help I received I would have been pretty screwed. If you are planning to do this solo, I'd put a cap on participation at 250. Sending out the email alone is a huge undertaking.

2. There might be some thought of doing other SP's broken down to 'Domestic' SP'S (for instance U.S., North America or Europe) for those participants who which to stay on the same continent and then an 'International' SP for knitters who would prefer exchanging world wide. (Also, maybe Spanish and French language SP's). The event is large enough now to probably accommodate this and would ease a lot of the organizational hurdles for the hosts.

3. NEVER use an excite account as the main email address. I found it wonky (undelivered mail) and pretty much useless for sorting emails. I'd suggest either yahoo or gmail.

4. Place more specific deadlines or parcels. I'd suggest that if a participant wanted to just send one big package, that they do that within the first month. This way you know who is still participating.

5. Given the international participation of this event, give the heads up on the cost and time delay of sending overseas. While a lot of people like to exchange internationally, they may not be aware of how much more the shipping costs.

6. I would revise the list of rules and regulations that were used in this event. I did a lot of cut and pasting from previous events and I realize now that perhaps some of the rules of engagement were vague. Everyone has different expectations, and it might be better if everything is explicatly spelled out.

7. Explain how the SP event works right up front, specifically, who remains anonymous to whom. I kind of assumed that everyone was familiar with the structure of these events so we have a few accidental reveals. So that is something I'd explain right up front.

So that's it for my thoughts. If anyone has any constructive thoughts, send them to me at secretpals4 at and I'll try to compile another list.

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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Coming into the Home Stretch

Sorry for the lack of postings. When in rains it pours and we have been very busy over at our house lately.

Now, the most important piece of information, SP4 is still continuing until the END of April – so be sure not to reveal yourselves before then. I will most likely get out an email the weekend BEFORE the 30th to remind everyone to reveal themselves. The reason I don’t want to do it on the 30th is that it does take me so long to get all the emails out.

Three pieces of housekeeping:
If you still haven’t heard anything from your SP, please let me know asap. There is still an opportunity to get you an angel and I don’t want anyone missing out – but please let me know.

If you have not sent any parcel to you SP by this time, please let us know if you are still participating or when you plan to send out your parcel. Some of you wish to send one big parcel and if this is the case, it would be appreciated if you could get them out shortly so that your pal can get their pressie before the end of the event.

If you have received a special gift – please remember to thank your SP either through email or on your webpage. That acknowledges a received gift and lets your pal know that her efforts are appreciated.

So that’s it for me – hope you are all enjoying yourselves as we come into the last month of SP4. In the next week or so I hope to post some of my thoughts on the event and give some recommendations for anyone considering hosting future events. Please feel free to send me some of you ideas too – send them to
PS – anyone interested in the next Secret Pals event should go directly to

Ciao for now!

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