Secret Pals 4

Secret Pals 4 is a gift exchange event for knitters and crocheters from all over the world. This event will last February 1 - April 30, 2005.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Update on SP4

Wow! I can't believe it's been almost 2 months since the beginning of SP4. (Wasn't it a week ago that I was matching everyone up?) Sorry for my silence for the last couple of weeks - my sister is moving in with us and we've been busy packing her up, etc.

By all accounts it seems to be a big success and everyone seems pretty happy. The number of mix ups have been very, very low - in fact a LOT lower than I had anticipated.

This isn't to say that I don't have a whack of advice for anyone considering hosting further SP events. Top item would be to never, ever use excite as their email address.

So spring is here and Easter is coming up for those who celebrate it. What a great opportunity to send a spring surprise or a chocolatey bunny.

Have a great time - get out there and do some frolicking as the weather warms and the snow starts to melt.

Oh - p.s. thanks to all for the Irish blog info. I'm really itching to get over there now - I just see myself with my pint knitting a nice aran sweater..aaah.

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Monday, March 07, 2005

SP 5

This was long overdue posting, but here is the website for SP5, run by the lovely Alice:

If you are interested in signing up for SP5 she has left some instructions on her site.

Let me know how you're doing and if you need some assistance. The issues we have had all seem to be working themselves out so that's good news. Also, everyone's been very good natured when the goof ups have occurred and that makes everything so much better.

Oh, one thing, I'll take advantage of a captive audience for my own personal quest. Does anyone know of any Irish knitting blogs? I'm planning a trip in October and would love to hook up with the knitting community over there before going over. If anyone is aware of some, could you let me know here or at glaciaatgmaildotcom? Many thanks.

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