End of Month 1 Fast Approaching
Okay - so that was an awkward title.
Anyway, we're coming around the corner of the end of month 1 and it looks likes things are going swimmingly. I've loved reading the blogs and how happy people are with their SP's.
On March 1st, I am going to start employing our Angels to replace people who are not actively participating in this event. So with that in mind I urge you to contact your pal if you haven't done so already.
One other point - if you haven't sent a present yet, could you just give your SP an indication of when you will send. There were no strict time lines for when your gifts are to be sent, but a curtsey email if you are planning to send your gift after March 1st would be appreciated.
I know someone of you are planning to send 1 large gift or you are making something for your SP which means that your present will arrive later. If this is the case, please, please just let your SP know. This will reduce anxiety.
That's it for now - keep enjoying those pals!
Jacqueline Click to read more